Lord Vader is a busy guy! I'm his secretary.

I help him stay organized. He's calmer that way. Less Force chokes happen then.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Busy busy busy!

It's been crazy busy lately!  Lord Vader has been on the verge of Force choking left and right.  I talked him down, though.

The only bad thing about being so busy at work is that I miss Maz so very much.  We have to spend so much time apart.

But the next time he goes on a job, he said I could come along!  I'm looking forward to it.  *smiles*

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Loyalty Divided

"Yes, sir.  I will take care of it right away, sir."

I smile and nod once as the holo of Lord Vader fades from view.  As it fades, so does the smile that was on my face.

His orders are not what make my smile fade.  They are fairly mundane, as usual.  What crosses my mind is something much more serious, perhaps even dangerous for me.

I turn to look at the sleeping figure in the bed.  It is Maz, resting in the bed we share, on the shuttle that is taking us to Naboo, where we shall be wed.  The love of my life.  My future husband.

He is also a bounty hunter and a smuggler, among other things.  Working for the Hutts, dealing with clients that are less than savory.

Even, I suppose, some clients that would include Rebels.  Or Jedi. 

I watch him slumber for a while, my heart filled with love and affection.   This man, this wonderful man, that has only been in my life for such a short time, yet is now such an integral part of it that I can't imagine ever having him not be in my life.

I walk to the bed and lie beside him, still watching him sleep.  I lightly run my fingers through his hair, gently enough that I won't wake him.

If he has clients that are Rebels, or Rebel sympathizers, or - Maker forbid - Jedi, and Lord Vader finds out about it, my life could be in danger.  

But I know that Maz has to take what jobs he can.  This galaxy is a brutal one.  He has to do what he can for us to survive.

I lie awake for some time, thinking of the consequences of this marriage, this love that we share.

I make my decision.

My loyalty is to Maz.  Even if it costs me my life.

My mind at ease, I curl up with Maz, and fall asleep in his arms. 

A Timeless, Everlasting Bond

Life is absolutely full of surprises.

I, having experienced quite a few...interesting situations all over the galaxy, can definitely attest to that fact. Things happen when you least expect it, and that's why everyone tells you that you need to be prepared for the worst. Because that's what everyone thinks; surprises usually are bad ones. In my line of work, such surprises could end up being...fatal.

Hmm, I suppose I was wrong then.

How long has it been since I met Mina? It's only been a few days, but it seems like I've known her all my life. In those few days, she's managed to capture my heart and soul in mere seconds. Who'd have known that my desire to attend a party with that attractive young lady could've led to such an immense amount of love and adoration towards her. I simply think about her, and my mind is filled with pleasure and yearning, and my heart flutters and beats wildly.

I've had my fair share of relationships through the years, but...Mina...Mina is different. I've heard stories of how you meet someone and just know they're the "One". I've dismissed this before as nothing more than romantic nonsense (especially after years of wandering the galaxy aimlessly).

But now, I realize that they're right. My heart, mind, soul...and every cell in my being screams that Mina is the One, and I'm a person who always trusts his instincts.

So, I did what I had to do. What I wanted to do. What I knew I'd do since I first saw her.

I proposed to Mina, and she said yes.

I am the luckiest, happiest man in the galaxy.


Role Playing on Twitter (OOC post)

((Note:  OOC means Out of Character))

Because of some of the comments I've been getting, I wanted to explain a little bit about Mina and what the purpose of her Twitter account is.

Mina doesn't just come on every so often and send a few tweets and that's it.  She is a character involved in a role play, with character development and a storyline.  She tweets a lot.

Role playing games have been around for years.  Many of us have played Dungeons and Dragons or some other role playing game.

But there is another kind of role playing, and that has traditionally been done on forums or via email or IM.

Role playing via a forum, email or IM is much like writing a story with more than one author.  Each person assumes a role in that story, and they write about the actions, thoughts and experiences of that character.  Each character takes turns writing, and the story progresses with each post.

Role playing on Twitter is similar to both forum and IM role playing.  You post tweets like you post on a forum, but there is a character limit and it is faster and more interactive, like with IM.

With Twitter, you also can interact with numerous people, and even with followers that aren't role players.  This adds a whole different aspect to RP.  You can interact with people in and out of character.  Most players indicate that a comment is OOC with brackets or "OOC" in the tweet.


*draws lightsaber, preparing for battle* ((I have to be AFK for a bit))

The action in "**" was in-character, but the info in (()) was ooc, letting the other player know that he had to go AFK (Away From Keyboard) for a while.

Mina is a fun character to play.  I'm looking forward to developing her and also getting some storylines coordinated with Maz and some other characters.  It should be fun to see what happens over the days, weeks and months.

How to join in

Maybe you've seen Mina and others role playing on Twitter and think it might be fun to join in.  That's great!  We'd love to have you!

It's easy to start:

1.  Create an RP account.  You can choose a canon or non-canon character. 
2.  Start following people and talking to them in character.
3.  Let @The_Darth_Vader know you'd like to be put on the Master RP Follow list.  You should also follow everyone on that list. 
4.  Follow @RolePlaySupport, @RPFollowBack, and @StarWarsRPHQ.  The first two are excellent resources for general RP.  The third is a support account for Star Wars RP only.
5.  Join the Ning group!  Introduce yourself, write a character bio and upload pics to your profile!  You can also write a blog and chat on the forum!  http://swtwitterverse.ning.com/
6.  There is also a message board you can join:  http://starwarstwitterverse.proboards.com

That's about it!

Hope you have fun watching Mina and the others as they storylines play out.

~ Mina's player 

Friday, August 20, 2010


Hello, fine readers. Bit of a change in your usual programming today, since the one posting this isn't the lovely Mina, but me, Maz.

As some of you might already realize, I'm the person currently dating Mina, and *fingers crossed* hopefully we can develop this into something more long-term.

Do not worry, I am not hijacking Mina's blog or anything - I wouldn't even dream of doing that - it's something else entirely. You see, after a bit of talking, we realized (we being me and Mina) that it might be exciting for us to co-author this blog. Of course, I argued that her blog was already amazing to begin with, and my awkward writing wouldn't be that much of an addition, but seeing her glittering eyes and lovely smile, I couldn't help but cave to the suggestion. Besides, the more things I share with her, the harder it'll be for her to leave me (when she realizes that I'm not that fantastic, of course).

Mwahahaha. See, it's all part of a perfect plan. *smiles*


Actually, readers. Let me share something with you. I am now at Mina's quarters, and she's currently sleeping peacefully next to me. *glances* I've been watching her sleeping for the past hour, and I can't get enough of it. I have never seen anything or anyone so beautiful in my life. *smiles* I am so lucky to have her in my life, and I intend to do my best she stays in it as long as I can.

I love her.

So, I hope you fine people don't mind my being here, and hopefully this puts a smile on her face when she sees it.

Goodbye for now.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm a secretary, not a mistress

Listen up, people.

Some people - and you know who you are - have been not only speculating that I am sleeping with Lord Vader, but outright accusing me of sleeping with him.  Some people have even gone so far as to say that they have SEEN me and Lord Vader being intimate.


I am a secretary for Lord Vader.  That's it.  My relationship with Lord Vader is strictly professional.

Not only does accusing me of being his mistress tarnish my reputation, but it also portrays Lord Vader in a bad light.

Personally, I hope he Force chokes all of you that have spread these rumors.  Serves you right.

In addition, I have someone special in my life now.  I would never cheat on him, not even with Lord Vader.

So quit spreading rumors.  Don't make me ask Lord Vader to Force choke you.  Or toss you down a reactor.  

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Working for Lord Vader is a very demanding job, and I am fairly new at it.  I've been trying to learn the ropes and get used to being on the Executor.  

The ship is huge (19,000 meters long) - I need a map just to find my way from my quarters to my office and back - and there is only one other woman on board that I know of.  (@Lady_Everon)  The ship's crew numbers over 279,000, all male.   Two women on board, and one of them is Lord Vader's wife.  You do the math (and no one will mess with her).  

Stormtroopers aren't known for their polished manners.  It's only been my first week on the job, and I've already had a few run-ins.  Most were minor.  One wasn't so minor, but I got out of it mostly unscathed, so I'm not complaining.  Admiral Okins said that if I had any more trouble to come to him and he'd deal with it.  

Someone else said he would help, too:  Maz.  He's someone I just met, but....he has already made quite an impression on me.   He's kind, considerate and a gentleman.  He's also very strong and protective.  He works for the Hutts, and he does a lot of things, he said.  

He helped me with the bounty hunters on the ship (kind of like a recruiting event/job fair), helping me keep order.  

Then we went to my office because I had some comms to make.  After we talked for a while, he kissed me for the first time.  *blushes* It was a wonderful, gentle kiss.  

We had dinner, then went to my quarters to watch a holo.  *blushes*  He kissed me again.  A few times, actually.  Then - since it was getting late - we settled in and went to sleep.  (Nothing happened!  We slept!  That's all.)

I loved sleeping in his arms.  I'll miss him when he has to go to work later today. 

How may I direct your call?

Okay, kids.  Let's talk about the most frequently asked questions and common comments.

"There's a design flaw in the Death Star!  I must tell Vader!"

He knows.  That whole explosion with fireworks thing was a tipoff.  

However, reminding him of that crushing defeat is a good way to tick him off.  I advise against it.  Seriously.  

"I want a job."

All employment inquiries need to be directed to the Imperial Human Resources Department.  

"<insert vulgar proposition here>"

Do you honestly think you are going to get anywhere with that?  *hits the block button*  Next.

"Can you schedule some private, personal time for me with Vader?"

No.  I'm a secretary, not a pimp.  I handle his business affairs, not his personal ones.  And Lord Vader has better things to do than to dally with fangirls. 

"Are you the only woman on the Executor?"

Actually, no.  @Lady_Everon is also on the Executor.   At times, @AriaBrisard visits the Executor.

Any other questions?  Ask.  

Monday, August 16, 2010


As Darth Vader's secretary, I'm expected to show up at all of the formal events.  Dinners, dances, parties and fundraisers.  (Yes, fundraisers.  Death Stars cost mucho credits, my friend.)

Now, I don't think I look bad or anything.  (My mom says I'm cute.)  But trying to find a date for these things is a chore in and of itself.  

Stormtroopers are out of the question.  No way.  That leaves the junior officers and officers.  For some reason they are more than a little nervous about taking me to a function.  

Could the fact that my boss is Lord Vader - Sith Lord and second in command only to the Emperor himself - have something to do with it?  Maybe.  *sighs*  Lord Vader can get a little protective sometimes.  It's worse than having a dad that's a cop, polishing his gun when your prom date comes by to pick you up.

Maybe a bounty hunter?  Yeah, they tend to be a little on the rough side, but they don't seem to be scared of Lord Vader.  *sighs*  Not that I know many bounty hunters.  And don't even mention Boba Fett.  He is uber-creepy. 

HuttPR said I could use one of his slav-- er, escorts for the events.  That's really sweet of him.  *smiles*

Although having someone go with you that wasn't going just because they fear the Wrath of the Hutts otherwise would be nice. 

Oh well.  Back to work. 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Daily Notes

0700 IST  

Arrived at the office.  Made coffee for the stormtroopers.  Do they thank me?  Of course not.

0900 IST

Lord Vader's first Force choke of the day, and it's early.  This is going to be such a long day.  Special note:  Body removal is such a drag.

0945 IST 

One of the stormtroopers tried to pinch my butt as I walked past.  He's definitely on bantha poodoo cleanup duty.  For a month.  On Tatooine.  I'll file the paperwork myself.

1200 IST

Lunch.  Alone.  Again.  *sighs*  I'm so misunderstood.

1400 IST

Vader met with the head of the Jawa Union.  He's not in a good mood, so I'm hiding in the lounge for a while.

1500 IST

Picked up Lord Vader's cape from the dry cleaners and scheduled his manifold purge.  He's in a better mood now.

Tomorrow's another day.