Lord Vader is a busy guy! I'm his secretary.

I help him stay organized. He's calmer that way. Less Force chokes happen then.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Role Playing on Twitter (OOC post)

((Note:  OOC means Out of Character))

Because of some of the comments I've been getting, I wanted to explain a little bit about Mina and what the purpose of her Twitter account is.

Mina doesn't just come on every so often and send a few tweets and that's it.  She is a character involved in a role play, with character development and a storyline.  She tweets a lot.

Role playing games have been around for years.  Many of us have played Dungeons and Dragons or some other role playing game.

But there is another kind of role playing, and that has traditionally been done on forums or via email or IM.

Role playing via a forum, email or IM is much like writing a story with more than one author.  Each person assumes a role in that story, and they write about the actions, thoughts and experiences of that character.  Each character takes turns writing, and the story progresses with each post.

Role playing on Twitter is similar to both forum and IM role playing.  You post tweets like you post on a forum, but there is a character limit and it is faster and more interactive, like with IM.

With Twitter, you also can interact with numerous people, and even with followers that aren't role players.  This adds a whole different aspect to RP.  You can interact with people in and out of character.  Most players indicate that a comment is OOC with brackets or "OOC" in the tweet.


*draws lightsaber, preparing for battle* ((I have to be AFK for a bit))

The action in "**" was in-character, but the info in (()) was ooc, letting the other player know that he had to go AFK (Away From Keyboard) for a while.

Mina is a fun character to play.  I'm looking forward to developing her and also getting some storylines coordinated with Maz and some other characters.  It should be fun to see what happens over the days, weeks and months.

How to join in

Maybe you've seen Mina and others role playing on Twitter and think it might be fun to join in.  That's great!  We'd love to have you!

It's easy to start:

1.  Create an RP account.  You can choose a canon or non-canon character. 
2.  Start following people and talking to them in character.
3.  Let @The_Darth_Vader know you'd like to be put on the Master RP Follow list.  You should also follow everyone on that list. 
4.  Follow @RolePlaySupport, @RPFollowBack, and @StarWarsRPHQ.  The first two are excellent resources for general RP.  The third is a support account for Star Wars RP only.
5.  Join the Ning group!  Introduce yourself, write a character bio and upload pics to your profile!  You can also write a blog and chat on the forum!  http://swtwitterverse.ning.com/
6.  There is also a message board you can join:  http://starwarstwitterverse.proboards.com

That's about it!

Hope you have fun watching Mina and the others as they storylines play out.

~ Mina's player 


  1. Well written. And compliant with all Imperial style and grammar guidelines. His Grace will be most pleased.

  2. Great post! Thanks for posting the board link! Love RPing with you! :)

  3. ((You're welcome! And thank you! I love RPing with you, too!))
